2010年5月11日 星期二

tea time found : boxofbirds

Hi there :)

today the weather is so good,
i woke up with sunshine on my bed from the window nearby,
it wasn't hot, that made me feel so happy haahhaa

yesterday i found box of birds website & her blog
it was from a freelance graphic designer, Kate Larsen.
and i love her print design very much, with the color she using
is very comfortable.

buffet gals was hoping to be a illustrator too,
but i guess there is a long way to go,
;) hope you like my share today.
gotta work now ~~~

1 則留言:

△▾christine▴▽ 提到...

I LOVE your share today! Thanks! I am going to check out her site right now. You will be an illustrator one day, you obviously have lots of talent! :)

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