2008年4月30日 星期三

Here's our little business in etsy

Hi u all out there

Yes yes yes we did it!! Rhoda & I start this little shop in etsy http://www.buffet.etsy.com aiming to share what we like to others who may not be able to find those items locally. We want to share with the world!! Our prices are really amazing...

So first sale in a week...it's really an encouragement for us!! So next we must work harder to get a 2nd..3rd..and 4th sale. And lots of free gifts too!! Well another aim....to make more friends AROUND THE WORLD!! which we have already met some nice ppl in etsy!!

Let's me show you my favourite this week...and it's a good deal too!!

Let's shop with us!!


2008年4月29日 星期二

our first sale*

i believe that the very little tiny details are always improtant in daily life!

we did the photo shooting , we did the research, we did all the process,
but we didnt really have the real feeling that we re selling stuff by internet,
it is a very first time for me n pam.

This morning when i went to work, when i click on the shop as i do every morning,
"why it missing sth in the featured items?" .....omg it sold!!!
although is just 8 kawaii buttons, it do surprise us as i called my sis immediately,
and we scream like 2 little kids hahahaa...:P

we are very happy that ppls do like our stuff,
and u know sometimes the feeling of SHARE is better than u own it,
i m truly hope everything found sth nice from us, :P am i sound like got a award hahaa..
later we will add more items and i m going to make some handmade stuff to show my beloved etsy friend!!!

With Love,
Buffet - Rhoda
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